Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Impeccability, a Behavioral Code

I first became interested in the concept of impeccability when I began taking my life apart and examining the pieces. During this part of my search for meaning, the goal was to understand how to become a “good” person.

I discovered it was important to respect yourself for the way you interacted with the world and men. It came down to principles and morals and the creation of a behavioral code.

Then the question became could I discover a guide—or filter—for considering potential principles and morals to include in a behavioral code that would produce the desired result: being a good person?
I embraced the concept of impeccability: the structural goal and heart—the master guide—of a wise man’s behavioral code. I live my life—interacting with the world and men—centered in this concept.

The American Heritage Dictionary puts impeccable this way: “Having no flaws. Incapable of sin or wrongdoing.” On the surface this appears to be a heavy burden—unattainable. But if one has a grasp on the possible flaws, sin, and wrongdoing, then appropriate decision-making can produce impeccable behavior.

I thought it would be insightful to briefly discuss some examples of guides within the master guide of impeccability to show how the concept works:

·       “Do no harm,” the medical code, has merit; but requires discernment: What harm is in a broader sense, leaves the concept vulnerable to an individual’s judgment—e.g., if one has accumulated a reasonably, robust degree of wisdom, then that person will know judging what is harmful to another—unless it’s physical—is most often not possible—doing so assumes you are that person…. E.g., be respectful of the environment.

·       Always tell the truth: I believe in this guide wholeheartedly. A wise man will know not telling the truth to another deprives that person of a clear picture from which to more effectively live his life. E.g., if I tell my girlfriend I love her, and I don’t, then I deprive her of experiencing the adventure of her life, keeping her a prisoner to false elusion.

·       “Go the extra mile,” a well-known adage: I also hold his guide dear. E.g., take your cart back to store; pick up that stray beer can in the parking lot; make sure your jobs are completed beyond expectations; help a turtle across a busy highway.

·       Listen to intuition and take action: The first time I followed this guide I was driving somewhere and the little voice inside prodded me to turn into a subdivision. I did so, wandered around briefly, and then got back on the road to where I was going. I always said to myself, “Who knows what the effect was on possible events due to my little detour.”

·       Never be in a hurry: Smell the roses. You will miss opportunities for insight and inspiration if you don’t linger with your minutes. Make the adventurer mindset—living your life without expectations or a closed mind—your gateway to happiness and fulfillment.

Sure, the ball is going to get dropped every now and then. Forgive yourself, and move on. And be aware that the concept of impeccability will be ever changing, reflecting the attainment of new levels of wisdom that bring with it deeper understanding of, and broader responsibilities for, the quality of actions and interactions.

What do you get from becoming a “good person?” You get a sense of well-being, oneness with the world, and satisfaction you’re doing your very best. It’s spiritual and positive for your Karma.

Note:  See the unfolding outline on my website (www.marshallchamberlain.com) of a future book, entitled The Above Average Man. It is my very sincere desire to present an experiential memoir of my personal transformation journey-in the next few years.

For those interested in fiction thrillers, the status of coming adventure-thrillers and other books under construction can be found on my website: www.marshallchamberlain.com.


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